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Volmarr’s Norse-Wicca Midsummer Solitary Ritual June-21-2019

Volmarr’s Norse-Wicca Midsummer Solitary Ritual June-21-2019
Freyja and Freyr Version

• Wine
• Water in the water bowl
• Salt in the salt bowl
• offering bowl
• Incense
• candles
• Thor’s Ritual Hammer (optional, can use it for the Hammer Hallowings)
• a representation of the Goddesses of the North
• A representation of the Gods of the North
• Cakes or cookies
• drinking horn
• mead (or beer or wine or even can use juice)
• wand (if you don’t have one you can use your fingers instead)
• One yellow or gold candle
• One white candle
• Any symbols of Summer, solar symbols.

Cleansing Ritual Space

Hold athame. Move to the center of the ritual space. Caste an earth banishing pentacle to the center of the space.

“I exorcise this place, that nothing malignant be found herein. Let it be free of all evil and be cleansed and purified. In the names of Freyr and Freyja I cast forth all spirits both seen and unseen from this place.”

Put down athame in altar. Take up the broom.

“As I sweep ‘cross this ground
let no evil here be found.
As I walk the spiral path,
let all evil flee my wrath.
As this broom sweeps round this place,
let it now be sacred space.”

Use the broom to ritually sweep the energies clear of the ritual space. Once all the space is swept clear:

“Freyr and Freyja hear my plea,
that this place from all evil shall be free.
Make of it thy sacred home,
blessed in every leaf and stone.
In all thy names I call to thee,
As I will, so mote it be!”

Now set up the ritual space for the ritual. Be sure to make sure all needed items are preset. Be sure to get ready in any ways needed. Make sure any needed candles are there. Be sure any needed incense is there. Put the cauldron in the center of the circle space if that is needed for the ritual.

Do the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hammer, without the rune-ring.

Stand before the altar. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and center your thoughts on the upcoming ritual and the reason behind it. Ring the bell once and say:

“This ritual has begun.”

Lighting Of The Candles

Light the Presence Candle (a white taper candle).

“I light this Candle (lights Presence Lamp)
in the name of that ancient presence,
which is, was, and ever shall be
male, female, all-knowing, all-powerful
and present everywhere.

And in the names of the four Mighty Ones,
the rulers of the elements,
may power and blessing descend
in this hour upon this place
and those gathered here.”

Light the Goddess and God candles, the altar red fire candle, the incense charcoal (if being used), and the four quarter candles from the Presence Lamp.

Light all other candles, minus any spell candles.

Light all deity tea-lights or deity candles.

Blessing of the Water

Place water bowl on pentacle.

“I exorcise thee, O Creature of Water, that thou cast out from thee all the impurity and uncleanliness of the world of phantasm. In the names of Freyr and Freyja.”

Pick up water bowl with both hand and hold it in front of you while visualizing your energy extending to purify the water.

Blessing of the Salt

Place salt bowl on pentacle.

“Blessings be upon thee, O Creature of Salt; let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth from thee, and let all good enter within. Wherefore do I bless and consecrate thee, that thou mayest aid me. In the names of Freyr and Freyja.”

Pick up salt bowl with both hand and hold it in front of you while visualizing your energy extending to purify the salt.

Put water bowl on pentacle. Pour all salt into the water.

Put the water bowl to the side.

Casting the Circle

Hold athame and move to northern part of circle.

“I conjure thee, O Circle of Power, that thou beest a boundary between the world of men and the realms of the Mighty Ones; a meeting place of love and joy and truth; a shield against all wickedness and evil; a rampart and protection that shall preserve and contain the power that I raise within thee. Wherefore do I bless thee, and consecrate thee, in the names of Freyr and Freyja.”

From northern edge of the ritual area, holding your dagger in your power hand. Visualize a blue-white flame issuing from the tip of the dagger. Point it at the floor in the East. Walk clockwise or deosil around the circle three times, drawing the circle mark in the air as you go. Be sure to overlap the ends in the North as you finish.

Take hold of the water bowl. Move to the north of the circle.

“Salt and water, by casting thee,
let no spell, or unknown purpose be,
except in true court with me,
and as I will, so mote it be.”

Using the fingers of your power hand, lightly sprinkle the water around the edge of the circle, beginning and ending in the North.

Splash self with the water.

Replace the water bowl on the altar.

Light the incense using the Presence candle. Hold the incense. Move to the north of the circle.

“As this oily essence bear,
lends it’s great strength unto the air.
Attracting spirits of the light,
guardians, both day and night.
This charge is true in prophecy,
and as I will, so mote it be.”

Carry the burning incense around the circle, beginning and ending in the North. Return the incense to the altar.

Smudge self with the incense.

Hold the fire candle. Move to the north of the circle.

“Creature of Fire, this charge I give,
no evil in our presence lives.
No spooks, or phantoms may stay,
Not around this place, not night, not day,
This charge is true in prophecy,
and as I will, so mote it be.”

Carry the red altar fire candle around the circle, beginning and ending in the North. Return the candle to the altar.

Take hold of the water bowl. Sprinkle the salt water over the altar.

“Elementals, Spirits, Gods of Old,
this altar fresh you now behold.
You all agree that it’s bound to me.
In peace and true serenity,
this place is perfect harmony,
and as I will, so mote it be.”

Calling the Watchtowers

Ring bell.

With athame trace three circles and the make an air invoking pentagram.

“Lords of the Watchtowers of the East, Lords of the Air, I summon and call you to witness my rites and to guard this sacred Circle.”

Poke center of pentacle to activate the Watchtower gate. See in mind’s eye the pentacle light up.

With athame trace three circles and the make a fire invoking pentagram.

“Lords of the Watchtowers of the South, Lords of Fire, I summon and call you up to witness my rites and to guard this sacred Circle.”

Poke center of pentacle to activate the Watchtower gate. See in mind’s eye the pentacle light up.

With athame trace three circles and the make a water invoking pentagram.

“Lords of the Watchtowers of the West, Lords of Water, Lords of Death and Initiation, I summon and call you up to witness my rites and to guard this sacred Circle.”

Poke center of pentacle to activate the Watchtower gate. See in mind’s eye the pentacle light up.

With athame trace three circles and the make an Earth invoking pentagram.

“Lords of the Watchtowers of the North, Lords of the Earth, guardian of the Northern Portals, powerful God and gentle Goddess, I summon and call you to witness my rites and to guard this sacred Circle.”

Poke center of pentacle to activate the Watchtower gate. See in mind’s eye the pentacle light up.

Invoking the Ancient Ones

Face north. Make the Goddess position.

“Lovely Goddess all,
of the Aesir and the Vanir,
I call you into my Circle
to aid me in my rites tonight and
so I may caste magick to work my will.
Hail and welcome lovely Goddesses!”

Hail Goddesses!”

See all the Goddesses of the Aesir and Vanir present in the circle. Picture as many of them as you can in your mind’s eye. See in your mind what they each look like. They are clothed in regal fancy clothing today. See their beauty. Enjoy feeling the energies of their presence.

Take some deep breaths now and close your eyes and spend some time meditating on their forms and energy.

you charge that I seek frith and love at it’s height,
Please lend your magick to my rite,
and take root as a guiding presence in my days and nights,
so I may learn your ways and be filled with your light.
Hail lovely Goddess greatly enjoyed within my sight!”

Face north. Make the God position.

“Mighty Gods all,
of the Aesir and the Vanir,
I call you into my Circle

to aid me in my rites tonight and
so I may caste magick to work my will.
Hail and welcome mighty Gods!”

Hail Gods!”

See all the Gods of the Aesir and Vanir present in the circle. Picture as many of them as you can in your mind’s eye. See in your mind what they each look like. They are clothed in regal fancy clothing today. See their strength and might. Enjoy feeling the energies of their presence.

Take some deep breaths now and close your eyes and spend some time meditating on their forms and energy.

you charge that I live life with strength and power of might.
Please lend your energies to my rite,
and take root as a guiding presence in my days and nights,
so I may learn your ways and be filled with your light.
Hail powerful Gods of strength and might!”


Anoint yourself with ritual oil in the places indicated while saying the following:

“Blessed be my feet that walk in the ways of the Goddess.
Blessed be my sex, creative power of life.
Blessed be my breasts formed in strength.
Blessed be my heart that I feel compassion for all who are living.
Blessed be my mouth that speaks the sacred names.
Blessed be my eyes that behold the beauty of Nature.”

Finally anoint yourself in the center of your forehead:

Blessed be my inner sight that I may receive a message within my soul.

Bless me, my Lady Freyja, that I may see
You truly, so I may see all things

of the world of spirit
In love and trust, so mote it be.”

Charge of the Goddess

Best is to listen to a recording of the charge while meditating on the form of the Goddess that has been invoked in the ritual, and feel her energy.

“Listen to the words of the Great Mother who was of old also called among men, Freyja, Artemis, Astarte, Diana, Saga, Idunn, Aphrodite, Skadi, Laxmi, Frigga, Parvati, Gerd, Cerridwen, Lalita, Eir, Arianrod, Sif, Kali, Saraswati, Hel, and by many other names.

Whenever ye have need of anything, once in a month, and better it be when the Moon be full, then ye shall assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of me, who am Queen of all Witcheries.

There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery, yet have not yet won its deepest secrets: to these will I teach things that are yet unknown.

And ye shall be free from slavery; and as a sign that ye are really free, ye shall be naked in your rites; and ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in my praise.

For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit and mine also is joy on earth; for my Law is Love unto all Beings.

Keep pure your highest ideal; strive ever toward it; let naught stop you or turn you aside.

For mine is the secret door which opens upon the Land of Youth; and mine is the Cup of the Wine of Life, and the Cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy Grail of Immortality.

I am the Gracious Goddess, who gives the gift of joy unto the heart. Upon earth, I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal; and beyond death, I give peace, and freedom, and reunion with those who have gone before. Nor do I demand sacrifice, for behold I am the Mother of All Living, and my love is poured out upon the earth.

Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess, she in the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven; whose body encircleth the Universe; I, who am the beauty of the green earth, and the white Moon among the stars, and the mystery of the waters, and the heart’s desire, call unto thy soul. Arise and come unto me.

For I am the Soul of Nature, who giveth life to the universe; from me all things proceed, and unto me must all things return; and before my face, beloved of gods and mortals, thine inmost divine self shall be unfolded in the rapture of infinite joy.

Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth, for behold: all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. And therefore let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honour and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

And thou who thinkest to seek for me, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not, unless thou know this mystery: that if that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee, thou wilt never find it without thee.

For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning; and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.”

Charge of the God

Get into God position and meditate on the Sun, feeling the energy of the Sun descending into you. Feel the energy of the God fill you.

“Listen to the words of the Great Father, who of old was called among men, Freyr, Osiris, Adonis, Zeus, Thor, Pan, Bragi, Cernunnos, Odin, Ganesh, Tyr, Shiva, Heimdall, Vishnu, Njord, Krishna, Baldr, Lugh, Mimir, Narayana, Ullr, Buddha, and by many other names.

I am the radiant King of the Heavens,
flooding the Earth with warmth and encouraging the hidden
seed of creation to burst forth into manifestation.

I lift my shining sword to light the lives of all beings
and daily pour forth my golden rays upon the Earth,
putting to flight the powers of darkness.

I am the spirit of all beasts wild and free.
I run with the stag and soar as a sacred falcon against
the shimmering sky.

The ancient woods and wild places emanate my powers,
the birds of the air sing of my sanctity.

I am the harvest, offering up grain and fruits beneath
the sickle of time so that all may be nourished.
For without planting there can be no harvest;
without winter there can be no spring.

I am the thousand named Son of creation.
Know that by all names I am the same.

The spirit of the horned stag in the wild, the endless harvest.
See in the yearly cycle of festivals my birth, death and
rebirth and know that such is the destiny of all creation..

I am the spark of life, the radiant Sun, the giver of peace and rest.
I send my rays of blessings to warm the hearts and strengthen the minds of all.”

Invoking Rune Ring to Raise Power

Face north and trace the rune shape in the air before you using your wand and loudly chant.:


Face north-east and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face east and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face south-east and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face south and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face south-west and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face west and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face north-west and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face north and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face north-east and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face east and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face south-east and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face south and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face south-west and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face west and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face north-west and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face north and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face north-east and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face east and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face south-east and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face south and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face south-west and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face west and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Face north-west and trace the rune shape and loudly chant.:



Great Rite

If doing as symbolic: Set the chalice of wine on the pentacle. Take the athame and hold over the wine/juice, but without it touching the liquid inside.

If doing it as masturbation be touching self during this.

“Now I must reveal a great Mystery.

Assist me to erect the Ancient Altar, at which in days past all worshipped, the Great Altar of all things. For in the old times a woman was the Altar. Thus was the altar made and placed…

… and the sacred place was the point within the centre of the circle, as we of old times have been taught, that the point within the centre is the origin of all things. Therefore should we adore it.”

Kiss Priestess on her yoni, or picture kissing the Goddess there if doing the rite as a solitary.

“Therefore, whom we adore, we also invoke, by the power of the lifted lance. O circle of stars [kiss], whereof our Father is but the younger brother [kiss], Marvel beyond imagination, soul of infinite space, before whom time is ashamed, the mind bewildered and understanding dark, not unto thee may we attain unless thine image be of love. [Kiss]

Therefore, by seed and root, and stem and bud and leaf and flower and fruit do we invoke thee,

O, Queen of space, O dew of light, O continuous one of the Heavens [kiss]. Let it be ever thus, that men speak not of Thee as one, but as none, and let them not speak of thee at all, since thou art continuous, for thou art the point within the circle [kiss], which we adore [kiss], the fount of life without which we would not be” [kiss].

And in this way truly are erected the Holy Twin Pillars Boaz and Joachim [kisses breasts]. In beauty and strength were they erected, to the wonder and glory of all men.

O Secrets of secrets that art hidden in the being of all lives. Not thee do we adore, for that which adoreth is also thou. Thou art that and That am I” [kiss].

I am the flame that burns in every man, and in the core of every star [kiss].
I am Life and the giver of Life, yet therefore is the knowledge of me the Knowledge of Death
I am alone, the Lord within ourselves whose name is Mystery of Mysteries

Altar of mysteries manifold,
The sacred Circle’s secret point
Thus do I sign thee as of old,
With kisses of my lips anoint
[kiss lips].

Open for me the secret way,
The pathway of intelligence,
Beyond the gates of night and day,
Beyond the bounds of time and sense.
Behold the mystery aright
The five true points of fellowship….”

If doing as symbolic: Lower athame into juice. If doing actual form, penetrate yoni of Priestess with lingham.

“Here where Lance and Grail unite,
And feet, and knees, and breast, and lip.

Encourage our hearts, Let thy Light crystallize itself in our blood, fulfilling us of Resurrection, for there is no part of us that is not of the Gods.”

The Making of Odhroerir

Hold up the bottle of mead:

“I now brew the holy mead of inspiration. Won by high Odin long ago!”

Chant into the bottle of mead:

“Odhroerir! Son! Bodhn!”

“Now I hallow this drink with staves of light!”

Chant and trace these runes over the bottle:















All say:

“Hail Odhroerir!”

Midsummer Ritual

“Hail to the Aesir! Hail to the Vanir! Hail to the gods and goddesses of the north! I call upon you all in frith at this time so I may honor the connection we have with one another.”

Light the white candle.

“Hail the Vanir! Hail the Aesir!”

“Hail Sunna! Daughter of Glen. Bright rider in the heavens by day. Driver of Alsvin and Arvak. Wearer of Svalin. Day-star. Ever-glow. All-bright. Wolf-chased. Fair-wheel. Grace-shine. Ensnarer of Trolls!”

Light the yellow candle.

“Hail Sunna!”

“Now is the time of Midsummer. This is a time for adventure and seeking conquest and victory within our life. Midsummer is also a time to honor the important alliances that you hold with others.”

“Late Spring and early Summer are the Norse times to fight battles and go raiding. Most of us in the modern world won’t be going into literal combat situations or going literally raiding, as happened during the Viking age. But we modern people have our own just as difficult battles we have to fight in our day to day life. Common modern forms of battle are: battles against your own negative traits or bad habits, battles to effect greater spiritual growth and awareness, battles to improve our lives in any way, battles against people in our lives who abuse us or cause us harm, battles to stand up for some cause we believe in, battles to improve the lives and well-being of those close to us, battles to achieve success in our careers, fighting for a better world, etc. All these types of battles are equally as worthy as the battles and raids which the Vikings fought, and are just as filled with their own forms of danger and peril. All forms of worthy battle which we fight are a way in which the gods/goddesses test us to see our measure of spiritual strength and bravery. By fighting whatever worthy battles we must in our lives without backing down and doing the best we can in them, we increase our spiritual might and personal luck. Most forms of modern battles are more so what can be considered forms of psychic or spiritual battles. Being a spiritual warrior is just as impressive to the gods/goddesses as being a literal one. If your life has been filled with strife and challenge lately during the late spring and early summer know that this is part of being in tune with the seasonal cycles, and this time shall eventually pass. When fighting a lot of battles our energies can after awhile become drained and run down. Try to call upon the power of the sun, the goddess Sunna, as a source to recharge your psychic and emotional batteries after many long fought battles.”

Hold drinking how and fill it with drink.

“Hail to Sunna! Goddess of the sun! Goddess of the energies which charge all of life with vitality! Through your vital strength, we gain the power to achieve victory! Please oh bright shining goddess charge my energies with your might and power! Hail Sunna!”

Picture in your mind’s eye energy from the sun coming down to you and filling your aura, making it stronger and more powerful.

Chant and trace sowilo in the air three times.:



Drink half, pour out rest to offering bowl or ground.

“Anger is a useful and important emotion since it is related to defending against attack, and is an emotion needed for self protection. Anger only gets bad when it is used in a personal way. Personalized anger is anger against a certain person, which is very negative. Anger used in a impersonal sense, as controlled anger where you use the anger feelings to empower your ability to defend your rights and to protect yourself and others, is the proper positive use of anger.”

“In modern day times there aren’t many outlets for anger. In older times of course there were plenty of outlets for it since men had to fight to protect. Since men are the protectors they do tend to more directly feel their anger emotions. Women often but not always tend to feel their anger in more indirect ways. Or more commonly, many women have trouble directly acknowledging when they are angry. The strongest emotion for men is anger. The strongest emotion for women is love. Men are the warriors so they need to have anger as a strong emotion for to strengthen this role for them. In Pagan societies such as the Vikings, the society was structured in a way to help keep anger more as the impersonal healthy kind, and such societies were even structured in ways to give men healthy outlets for anger.”

“One of the most positive ways to release anger and act upon the warrior spirit in modern society is through sports. Summer is the best time for doing sports. Sports help to create frith since they help people feel more positive and release tension and anger. Group sports can be a powerful tool of troth-making.”

“Another way to release or vent anger is through sex. Sex is a very powerful way to turn anger onto frith and love. It is very sacred to have sex at the Midsummer bonfire.”

“Women as the nurturers, and pleasure, and care givers, have love as their strongest emotion. Since the strongest emotion for women is love, women are the frith-makers and they hold a sacred duty in northern culture, as guardians of the frith. Frith is the glue, that holds together those who hold troth for each other. Without frith there can be no troth. Keeping troth with those you cannot have any frith with, is both dishonorable and dishonest. In order for there to be frith with someone, you must hold feelings of respect and trust. No social organization, whether it be one related to Wicca or anything at all, can survive if it does not strictly enforce members keeping frith between each other. The foundation of troth is frith. Troth is the very basis of Norse Paganism. Any Pagan that has not learned to be respectful of other people, is one that is not able to honor frith, and thus shall fail completely at holding troth with others. Since the basis of Norse-Paganism is troth, such a Pagan shall fail as a Norse-Pagan. The gods and goddesses only welcome those to their hall, that would be able to hold frith, with all those who reside in their hall. The whole point of being Norse-Pagan, is to hold troth for one or more of the northern gods or goddesses, and work towards being welcomed to their hall in the after-life. Thus learning how to respect others and honor frith is one of the greatest lessons any Norse-Pagan can learn.”

“Now at this time of the season, Midsummer, is the time to acknowledge all bonds of troth which we hold. Troth is the very point of Norse-Paganism. Norse-Paganism is simply put, the practice of holding troth for one or more of the northern gods/goddesses. In all things we do in our life, we must act in ways that honor this troth we hold. By taking troth, with any god or goddess, we are agreeing to hold their ways holy, and honor what they stand for. Take some moments now to ponder on all the gods and goddesses which you hold troth with, and all the things which are sacred to them.”

Place your hand on a ritual Thor’s Hammer, or the altar pentacle.

“I _______ (state your name) hold troth with the Vanir and Aesir. _______ (patron deity name) is my patron and thus I hold the greatest troth of all for him/her. I agree to hold sacred all the things which are holy to the Aesir and Vanir and most of all that which is sacred to my patron ________ (patron deity name).”

A Reading of the Values of Wicca

This time of year, Midsummer, is the time to reinstate and acknowledge any value systems which you follow. Read all the following values that are part and parcel of following the Wiccan path.:

☆The Wiccan Rede☆

Bide ye Wiccan laws ye must,
in perfect love and perfect trust.
Live and let live, fairly take and fairly give.
Form the circle thrice about, to keep all evil spirits out.
To bind ye spell every time, let ye spell be spake in rhyme.
Soft of eye, light of touch, speak ye little, listen much.
Deosil go by the waxing moon, singing out ye Witches’ Rune.
Widdershins go by the waning moon, chanting out ye Baneful Rune.
When the Lady’s moon is new, kiss your hand to her times two.
When the moon rides at her peak, then ye heart’s desire seek.
Heed the North wind’s mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail.
When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss thee on the mouth.
When the wind blows from the West, departed souls may have no rest.
When the wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.
Nine woods in ye cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow.
Elder be ye Lady’s tree, burn it not or cursed ye’ll be.
When the wheel begins to turn, soon ye Beltaine fire’ll burn.
When the wheel hath turned to Yule, light the log the Horned One rules.
Heed ye flower, bush and tree, by the Lady blessed be.
Where the rippling waters flow, cast a stone and truth ye’ll know.
When ye have and hold a need, harken not to other’s greed.
With a fool no season spend, nor be counted as his friend.
Merry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind ye threefold law ye should, three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is anow, wear the blue star upon thy brow.
True in love ye must ever be, lest thy love be false to thee.
In these eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill,
‘An ye harm none, do what ye will.

☆The Witches Rede of Chivalry☆

In so far as the Craft of the Wise is the most ancient and most honorable creed of humankind, it behoves all who are Witches to act in ways that give respect to the Old Gods, to their sisters and brothers of the craft, and to themselves. Therefore, be it noted that:

1. Chivalry is a high code of honour, which is of most ancient Pagan origin and must be lived by all who follow the Old Ways.
2. It must be kenned that thoughts and intent put forth on this Middle-Earth will wax strong in other worlds beyond, and return… bringing into creation, on this world, that which has been set forth. Thus one should exercise discipline, for “as ye do plant, so shall ye harvest.
3. It is only by preparing our minds to be as Gods that we can ultimately attain godhead.
4. “This above all…to thine own self be true…”
5. A Witch’s word must have the validity of a signed and witnessed oath. Thus, give thy word sparingly, but adhere to it like iron.
6. Refrain from speaking ill of others, for not all truths of the matter may be known.
7. Pass not unverified words about another, for hearsay is, in large part, a thing of falsehood.
8. Be thou honest with others, and have them know that honesty is likewise expected of them.
9. The fury of the moment plays folly with the truth; to keeps one’s head is a virtue.
10. Contemplate always the consequences of thine acts upon others. Strive not to harm.
11. Diverse covens may well have diverse views on love between members and with others. When a coven, clan, or grove is visited or joined, one should discern quietly their practices, and abide thereby.
12. Dignity, a gracious manner, and a good humour are much to be admired.
13. As a Witch, thou hast power, and thy powers wax strongly as wisdom increases. Therefore exercise discretion in the use thereof.
14. Courage and honour endure forever. Their echoes remain when the mountains have crumbled to dust.
15. Pledge friendship and fealty to those who so warrant. Strengthen others by the Brethren and they shall strengthen thee.
16. Thou shalt not reveal the secrets of another Witch or another Coven. Others have laboured long and hard for them, and cherish them as treasures.
17. Though there may be differences between those of the Old Ways, those who are once-born must see nothing, and must hear nothing.
18. Those who follow the mysteries should be above reproach in the eyes of the world.
19. The laws of the land should be obeyed whenever possible and within reason, for in the main they have been chosen with wisdom.
20. Have pride in thyself, and seek perfection in body and in mind. For the Lady has said, “How canst thou honour another unless thou gives honour to thyself first?”
21. Those who seek the mysteries should consider themselves as select of the Gods, for it is they who lead the race of humankind to the highest of thrones and beyond the very stars.

☆The Three-Fold Law☆

The Three-Fold Law is the belief and principle on which magick is used. This law relates to the use of power and energy, for when used, power is returned to the sender, three times the level it was sent out.

Used in relation with the ethos, “Do what thy wilt, though it harm none” (as stated in the Wiccan Rede), witches take great care when preparing and casting spells that no harm should come to others because of it.

The nature of this three-fold return can perhaps be better understood when considering the cause and effect principle of a spell. Let’s take an example – someone comes to you in distress with a problem, you help by sending out positive energy and the problem is successfully resolved. This automatically makes you feel good about yourself and influences your thoughts; thus your state of consciousness is altered. In turn your thoughts stir the emotions, which has a physical effect in the body by causing glandular secretions to enter into the blood stream. The resulting state of mind and body lifts your spirit, which is what makes you feel good. Thus with the act of a single good deed, you have been effected three times, in mind, body, and spirit. This then is your three-fold response to the return of positive energy. Now consider your response had you sent out negative energy or something went drastically wrong?

☆The Law of Power☆

1. The Power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or to control others. But if the need arises, the Power shall be used to protect your life or the lives of others.
2. The Power is used only as need dictates.
3. The Power can be used for your own gain; as long as by doing so you harm none.
4. It is unwise to accept money for the use of the Power, for it quickly controls its taker. Be not as those of other religions.
5. Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries of Wicca and Magick.
6. Ever remember that the Power is a sacred gift of the Goddess and the God, and should never be misused or abused.
7. And this is the Law of the Power.

☆The Four Powers of the Magus☆

The Four Powers of the Magus are the personal attributes traditionally necessary and required for the successful use and practice of magick. These are – To Know, To Dare, To Will, and To Be Silent. Without these four attributes combined, the individual will never be successful in magick.

The reasoning is quite simple; none of the attributes mentioned are enough in themselves, as all four attributes must be present to balance each other out. For instance:

To Know – Knowledge is no good, without the will and audacity to see magick done.

To Dare – Audacity is no good, without the knowledge and will to see magick done.

To Will – Will power is no good, without the knowledge and audacity to see magick done.

To Be Silent – What good are the above, without the discretion to remain silent until the magick is done? To reveal your magick before it is done, dissipates it’s power and effectiveness.

So, anyone aspiring to use magick, he/see needs a knowledge of what he/see is doing, the audacity to use it, the will power to control it, and the discretion to remain silent till the work is done.

☆The 13 Principles of Wiccan Belief☆

1. We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the Moon and the seasonal Quarters and Cross Quarters.
2. We recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment. We seek to live in harmony with nature in ecological balance offering fulfillment to life and consciousness within an evolutionary concept.
3. We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than that apparent to the average person. Because it is far greater than ordinary it is sometimes called ‘supernatural’, but we see it as lying within that which is naturally potential to all.
4. We conceive of the Creative Power in the universe as manifesting through polarity – as masculine and feminine – and that this same Creative Power lies in all people and functions through the interaction of the masculine and the feminine. We value neither above the other knowing each to be supportive of the other. We value sex as pleasure as the symbol and embodiment of life, and as one of the sources of energy used in magical practice and religious worship.
5. We recognize both outer worlds and inner, or psychological worlds sometimes known as the Spiritual World, the Collective Unconsciousness, the Inner Planes etc – and we see in the interaction of these two dimensions the basis for paranormal phenomena and magical exercises. We neglect neither dimension for the other, seeing both as necessary for our fulfillment.
6. We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy, but do honor those who teach, respect those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have courageously given of themselves in leadership.
7. We see religion, magick and wisdom in living as being united in the way one views the world and lives within it – a world view and philosophy of life which we identify as Witchcraft – the Wiccan Way.
8. Calling oneself ‘Witch’ does not make a Witch – but neither does heredity itself, nor the collecting of titles, degrees and initiations. A Witch seek to control the forces within her/himself that make life possible in order to live wisely and without harm to others and in harmony with nature.
9. We believe in the affirmation and fulfillment of life in a continuation of evolution and development of consciousness giving meaning to the Universe we know and our personal role within it.
10.Our only animosity towards Christianity, or towards any other religion or philosophy of life, is to the extent that its institutions have claimed to be ‘the only way’ and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practice and belief.
11. As Witches, we are not threatened by debates on the history of the craft, the origins of various terms, the legitimacy of various aspects of different traditions. We are concerned with our present and our future.
12. We do not accept the concept of absolute evil, nor do we worship any entity known as ‘Satan’ or ‘the Devil’ as defined by Christian tradition. We do not seek power through the suffering of others, nor accept that personal benefit can be derived only by denial to another.
13. We believe that we should seek within Nature that which is contributory to our health and well-being.

Most important of all is to value the ways of the Norse Lord and Lady, Freyr, and Freyja, who’s names literally means Lord and Lady. They are the true Lord and Lady, that all of Norse-Wicca follow most of all. As such we are to put paricular value in following the ways of the Vanir.

☆The Vanic Virtues☆

The pursuit of beauty and elegance in thought, form and speech.

Zeal, vigor; the strength and courage that comes from a life worth living.

The recognition of nature and the environment as worthy of respect, care and reverence.

Harmonious and balanced thought and action; tranquility, calm, serenity.

The quality of being receptive to the world around one, non-judgmental and open.

Music and dance; the nurturing of inner wildness and childlike being, being like the “fey”

The all-encompassing force; love for family, for kin, for humanity, for all beings.

The peace and goodwill between people bound together; loyalty and the keeping of one’s word.

The trust that the Gods exist and are worthy of our worship, and Their ways worth following.

The binding of two parties into one common bond, generosity and hospitality.

Wonder and innocence, the recognition that life is worth living, and worth living well.

The recognition that we – humans, animals, plants, spirits – are all part of the grander scheme of life, and we share a common heritage, as children of the Earth.

Hold drinking how and fill it with drink.

“Hail to the Vanir! Hail to the Aesir! Hail to _______ (patron deity name), I make this toast to you, in honor of the troth I hold for you all! Hail!”

Drink half, pour out rest to offering bowl or ground.

Raising Power

Hold wand.

Point wand to east air candle.

“Air to vitalize it.”

Point wand to south fire candle.

“Fire to purify it.”

Point wand to west water candle.

“Water to consecrate it.”

Point wand to north earth candle.

“Earth to ground it.”

Point wand up and move wand in a clockwise circle.

“Spirit to blend all Elements together into an unbreakable link with Freyja and the Freyr. So mote it be.”

All now dance in circle around the circle.

“Ecko, Ecko Azerak,
Ecko, Ecko Zomelak,
Ecko, Ecko Freyr,
Ecko, Ecko Freyja.
Ecko, Ecko Azerak,
Ecko, Ecko Zomelak,
Ecko, Ecko Freyr,
Ecko, Ecko Freyja.
Ecko, Ecko Azerak,
Ecko, Ecko Zomelak,
Ecko, Ecko Freyr,
Ecko, Ecko Freyja.
Darksome Night and Shining Moon
Balance of the dark and light,
hearken ye our Witch’s Rune,
as we perform our sacred rite!
With earth and water, air and fire,
by blade and bowl and circle round,
we come to you with our desire:
let all that is hidden now be found!
With censor, candle, book and sword,
and ringing of the altar bell,
we tie a knot within our cord
to bind our magic in a spell.
Mother of the summer fields,
goddess of the silver moon,
join with us as power builds!
dance with us our witch’s rune!
Father of the Summer dew
Hunter of the winter snows
With open arms we welcome you!
Dance with us as power grows!
By all the light of moon and sun,
by all the might of land and sea,
chant the rune and it is done.
As we will, so mote it be!
Ecko, Ecko Azerak,
Ecko, Ecko Zomelak,
Ecko, Ecko Freyr,
Ecko, Ecko Freyja.
Ecko, Ecko Azerak,
Ecko, Ecko Zomelak,
Ecko, Ecko Freyr,
Ecko, Ecko Freyja.
Ecko, Ecko Azerak,
Ecko, Ecko Zomelak,
Ecko, Ecko Freyr,
Ecko, Ecko Freyja.”

Release the energies as a cone of power.

Cakes and Ale

If you didn’t do symbolic Great Rite: Put the chalice on the pentacle and hold athame over it and lower it into the chalice while saying:

“As this athame is the male, so this cup is the female, and joined they bring blessings.”

Raise the chalice high over the altar and say:

“To the Goddesses! To the Gods! To all divine beings, fairies, and spirits whom have assisted me in my ritual and magick. I make this offering in thanks!”

Pour some of the drink into the offering bowl, and drink the rest, passing it around with anyone else present.

(optional cakes offering)

Place plate of cakes on the pentacle. Take the athame and press the tip of it to the cakes. Say:

“Freyja bless this food. May it bestow health, strength, joy, and peace (or whatever else you wish), and that fulfillment of love which is perfect happiness.”

Raise the plate of cakes over the altar and say:

“To the Goddesses! To the Gods! To all divine beings, fairies, and spirits whom have assisted me in my ritual and magick. I make this offering in thanks!”

Put some of the cake into the offering bowl, and eat the rest, passing it around with anyone else present.

Closing the Circle

Face north.

“Goddesses! I thank you for your presence,
and your gift of magick.
Depart to thy realms if you must, stay if you will.
Depart with my blessings and love
and my promise to seek frith and love,
as you have charged.”

“Blessed be!”

“I bid you hail and farewell.”

“Gods! I thank you for your presence,
and the gift of your energies.
Depart to thy realms if you must, stay if you will.
Depart with my blessings and love
and my promise to seek strength and power of might,
as you have charged.”

“Blessed Be!”

“I bid you hail and farewell.”

Bring the the athame with.

“Lords of the Watchtowers of the East, Lords of the Air, I thank you for attending my rites and protecting my Circle. As you depart to your pleasant and lovely realms, I bid you hail and farewell.”

Poke center of pentagram.

“Lords of the Watchtowers of the South, Lords of Fire, I thank you for attending my rites and protecting my Circle. As you depart to your pleasant and lovely realms, I bid you hail and farewell.”

Poke center of pentagram.

“Lords of the Watchtowers of the West, Lords of Water, Lords of Death and Initiation, I thank you for attending my rites and protecting my Circle. As you depart to your lovely realms, I bid you hail and farewell.”

Poke center of pentagram.

“Lords of the Watchtowers of the North, Lords of Earth, guardians of the Northern portals, powerful God and gentle Goddess, I thank you for attending my rites and protecting my Circle. As you depart to your pleasant and lovely realms, I bid you hail and farewell.”

Poke center of pentagram.

Use the candle snuffer to put out the God, Goddess, and all quarter candles. Then put out the fire candle. Last put out the Presence Candle.

Cut the athame across the invisible circle and then move counterclockwise, sucking the circle energy back into the athame.

Place hands upon the rituals tools and the altar and push any extra energy into the the tools and altar.


“The circle is cut, but the blessings long remain. Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again. Blessed be!”